Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Wow, my 200th post in what, two years-3 years, don't really remember. Big deal.

Today has been surprisingly overwhelming with everything. I have had a lot of work to do to pick up the slack from the rest of my "co-workers". Not that they were on vacation or anything, but they are supposed to be doing things for all locations and they aren't. So I am learning to do their jobs to take care of my location, which is stuff they should be doing. Long story, not going to put you through it. However, I should ask for a raise.

Tonight I go to enroll my daughter for kindergarten next year. Yes, I am excited as I have been paying for her to go to pre-school all this year. Kindergarten will be free and....it is still full day in our district. I am excited about that. So does that mean extra money in my pocket since I won't have to pay? No, apparantly the IRS says I owe them money so what was going to pre-school, will now be going to the IRS. Greedy Obama lovers.

My car gets paid off next month and then all I have is another year and a half payments on my van. Do I get to save that extra money? No, put my oldest into braces. Greedy orthodontists.

I need to win the lottery. Or find the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine. Or, well, anyways I can get money legally. I am sure you are all in the same boat, if not worse. Greedy Obama lovers. They did this to us.

Yes, I am a bit upset. It seems a lot of people have been brainwashed into believing that George H. W. Bush was a bad President and everything is his fault. Take a look at History you stupid hypocrits. Every President can not please everyone all the time. But listening to the current administration saying everything is his fault is ridiculous. He didn't do trillions in bailout money causing the bankruptcies, crashing of the home mortgages, etc. He did not put people in his cabinets or other federal jobs that were criminals such as the current administration has. He is not and has never denounced us as a non-christian country. You don't like it, get the Hell out of my country.

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