Friday, March 19, 2010

Settling Down

Whew, I tell you what. On the drive into work this morning, I was fuming and thinking about what I would rant about on my blog today. It all started last night when I was doing my schoolwork. I am taking this class called introduction to cultural anthropology. After reading other classmates posts, I couldn't believe how many ignorant people there are in the United States. Seriously. There were people making comments like we force our beliefs on other countries and talk about how welfare should be increased because people need help and everything else. I just couldn't respond to any of them last night because I probably would have been kicked out of the class for telling them how stupid and ignorant they are and how they need to stop watching and believing the news and get off their @$$ and work. And then, this morning I was following my kids to school. This past week I have allowed them to ride their scooters to school and I follow them to make sure they get there safe and look out for cars when crossing the street. As my oldest is in the crosswalk and the crossing guard is in the strret with the sign, a car kept driving right through without stopping. If I had reacted a little faster I would have pulled in front of the car, stopped him, and beat his @$$. Not just because it was my kid, but because the driver was a freaking idiot and not paying attention. Oh, I am just fuming today.

Last night I watched WRONG TURN 3: LEFT FOR DEAD. It was pretty good for the series. It definately was nowhere near as bad as CABIN FEVER 2. It was your basic thriller/horror movie. I still have two more movies to watch and then I have to return them on Saturday. I still have EVERYBODY'S FINE and SHORTS to watch.

No big plans for this weekend. Don't have money to do anything and don't really know what we would be able to do. I guess it will just be another lazy weekend.

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