Friday, March 12, 2010

Life is a rollercoaster ride

A rollercoaster has ups and downs and twists and turns and dropoffs and more. That is how life is. It seems at times I will have good moments and then bad moments, sometimes both at the same time. No wonder people get so stressed as they can not control everything. I am still dealing with what I owe the IRS. My car is acting up and the shop says about $1000 to fix it. It appears it is the water pump and timing belt they want to replace. Whatever.

Went to the Parent/Teacher conferences last night. Both of my boys made the Honor Roll!! The oldest had all B's and one A, the younger boy had all A's and one B. On top of that we return home to find out Child Protective Services wants to come to our house to meet us to close a case. That was news to me. It seems a couple of months ago, my younger son was laying on the floor and I came by and rubbed my foot on his chest tickling him. He had been mad at me about something at the time. Well two days later he goes to the nurses office saying his chest was hurting and I had stepped on him. The nurse asked if it was by accident or on purpose and he said on purpose. He came home that day and told us. I didn't think anything of it as I did not step on him. Well the school notified CPS. Yesterday CPS showed up at the school and called both of my boys down to the office to question them about things. They both informed me yesterday before we had the call. When we returned from the conferences I heard the message and called them back and left a message. They called back this morning and basically said not to worry, they just needed to see us with their findings and close the case. Ok, whatever.

I finally was enrolled today for two classes that I need for my civilian job. I'll be gone for my step-father's birthday for one class and my mom's birthday for the other class. Oh, well, these classes were supposed to be done before June, but the people I submitted the requests to obviously didn't know how to do their job. But I am ok with that because one of the classes will allow me to input my Soldiers into schools and I won't have to rely on these people anymore.

Last night I watched UP IN THE AIR. It was not that great. No real action, mostly drama, with a lot of foul language. Almost fell asleep watching it. We also watched PLANET 51. This was a great kids movie. All three of my kids were entranced watching it. I still have BOONDOCKS SAINTS II to watch, maybe tonight, but not sure yet. After all, I have drill this weekend and have to be up early.

1 comment:

Sis said...

You "did" beat the oldest for snitching, right? Whatever happened to old fashioned discipline? I remember when we were younger Mom would tell us to get a switch off Grandma's tree. You would think the thinnest one wouldn't hurt! LOL!!