Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just another day

Today is just that. Another ordinary day. I have some schoolwork to do that is due today, but I have plenty of time to do it. After two weeks in this class, I have been able to bring my grade back up to an A. We'll see how this week goes. Even the Instructor informed all of us at the beginning of this course that this will be the hardest class we take at this school. I believe it, or at least so far. I'll determine if that is true after I get to my future classes.

I watched ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE SQUEEKAL last night. It was a great movie. Still have SHERLOCK HOLMES to watch. I enrolled my daughter into kindergarten the other night so that is all set up now. Got back school pictures of all the kids, so now it is just coming up with the money to pay for them by next week.

Still trying to come up with my rent money for this month as well. I will have it covered as I get paid next week, but just seeing if I can get it done sooner. Oh, well. Sunday will be going to the older sister's house for Easter family get together. Have a test due that day, maybe I'll just do it there. I finally have my travel arrangements made for my next school which is only for 5 days in Wisconsin. Just waiting on my orders now. That's all I got today.

1 comment:

sis said...

And why do you have to say "older" sister??