Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Couldn't think of a good one today. Title that is. The weekend was good, got to get out of town even if it was just leaving Saturday and returning Sunday. The kids got to play in the snow for a few minutes when I stopped to get gas. The only snow we came across was in Heber/Overgaard area. The sides of the road had snow piled up almost as tall as my van. So when I stopped to get gas, we pulled all three dogs and all three kids out and went and played in the snow a little. We then headed up the rest of the way to the FIL's. Stayed overnight and returned the next day.

I did watch AMELIA and found it a little boring as far as the story. However, as far as historical, I enjoyed it and learned a few things. I did watch UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: REGENERATION and it was worst than the second one. Of course I watched THE HANGOVER and THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE again. I can watch those movies a few times and still enjoy them. Watched THE STEPFATHER and was unimpressed. I know this was a remake, but it was far from being labeled as Horror or Thriller. COUPLES RETREAT was another I watched and thought was pretty funny. Any movie that has Vince Vaughn and Jon Favura in is going to be hilarious.

Hoping to hear good news next month when I am able to pull my credit scores again. Hopefully they will be high enough to get my VA loan and start looking at purchasing a house. Until then, it is all just wishful thinking. That doesn't stop me from looking though. Well, that's all I have for today.

1 comment:

Reverend Mother said...

I'm sorry! When we talked yesterday I totally forgot you had been gone over the weekend! We were gone Monday and Tuesday so I just didn't think of it. Give me a call tomorrow (on my way home?) and tell me about your trip! Love you!