Thursday, February 4, 2010


Nothing to report on the credit/home loan process at this time. Since I had bought my boys netbooks a few days ago, my wife complained that I am always spoiling the boys and not my daughter. The thing is, she is 5 years old. She is too young to have something like that. I have already told my wife that I plan on getting all 3 of them, to include the daughter, Nintendo DS's later this year. My wife continues to point out and throw examples out of everything I do for my sons, but not my daughter. Fine. Whatever. So I took my daughter out last night and we went shopping for clothes and shoes. Thank God for Clearance items.

Picked up some movies last night also. I'm not going to list them all now, but I'll post about them as I watch them. Last night I watched SAW VI. I enjoyed the first 3, but IV and V seemed like they were reaching. Now after watching VI, it seems to tie them together. This one I enjoyed more than the last two. I think it was great. Still no word on if they decide to go through with SAW VII yet or not. I have seen it on as they may do it, but I haven't checked on it recently. I did finally watch THE BLIND SIDE and AVATAR.

First, THE BLIND SIDE. Great movie. It even made me tear up at different points. I had to watch it because Tim McGraw was in it, but this was a great movie and it is based on a true story. AVATAR, I just don't know what the big hype was about it. The graphics were great and everything, the idea was believable, but the last 30 minutes of the movie, I was nodding off. I just don't think this movie was as good as they made it out to be.

Well, I have drill this weekend and I plan on taking the PT test. Since my sister beat me a couple of weeks ago, I figured I might as well go ahead and run once this month at least. See if my time improves any. That's all I have today.

1 comment:

Ralphd00d said...

I am part way thru "Inglorious Basterds" and it ain't too bad yet.

Started watching "Fringe" season 1...OMG!! I think I may be hooked.