Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Another Day

Well Memorial Day has came and gone. We had fun at the Sister's place. They all got started eating before we got there, but I was running a little late. Watched VALENTINE'S DAY and DEAR JOHN while we were there. Over the weekend, I watched STATEN ISLAND which really wasn't that good. Also watched THE SPY NEXT DOOR, which was similar to THE PACIFIER, but with a twist and was a good family film. I also rented TAKING CHANCE since my brother and sister said it was a great movie and I would cry. I didn't. Not even get teary eyed. The movie is based on actual events of a Marine LTCOL that asks to escort a Marine PFC's body home from Dover to Wyoming. It was an educational movie that shows the whole process from the time it arrives in the states to the funeral. I believe the movie was more focused on how the LTCOL's eyes were opened and saw that there were many civilians that pay their respects for the military along the way. It was a great movie, don't get me wrong, but I didn't shed any tears.

Not too much else is going on. Trying to get my car taken care of. Just extended my registration for 30 days so I can get that dang check engine light turned off and get it into emissions so I can renew it. I finally got my grade back for my last class and got a 98%. After finishing week one in this class, it's not as bad as I thought it would be, so far anyways. Well, that's all I got for today.


sis said...

That was a GOOD movie! You just have a cold black heart. ;[

Ralphd00d said...

Yer a puss! You just can't be a man and admit what that movie showed. Hell, you don't get that much respect when you fly for your dumbass training BS.

Go read your lit book. Maybe you'll learn more about stuff.