Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Derka Derka Jihad

What? Just in that kind of mood. Been busy for the past couple of weeks, but I finally told full time staff in CA to stop calling me and doing their jobs, send it to the person that is supposed to do it. Yes, when someone is gone, I am more than happy to assist them, but my job is to take care of the Soldiers at my location. So since then, I have realized I have less to do now than I have for the past 4-5 weeks. I am not complaining, it gives me time to focus on taking care of my Soldiers as well as taking care of school work.

Ah, school. Just finished week 3 of this Literature class and I still have a 98%. 2 more weeks to go. I received an e-mail today that I made the Dean's List for Spring 2010. I looked at the requisites and you have to have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. I am currently at a 3.95 GPA and I only have 49 credits to go for my degree. The main thing I am happy about, none of this is coming out of my pocket. With the military paying the Tuition Assistance, which is the exact amount for each class, and I receive the GIBILL chapter 1607, I am actually getting paid to go to school. On top of that, I am also receiving the PELL grant. So all of this has actually been helping as far as bills as well.

Haven't watched any movies recently. Will be going to the Sis' house on Sunday for Father's Day, then I will be dropping off my boys at the MIL's to stay with her for a few days. She will then drive out to drop them off and pick up my daughter, then we will have to go out there to pick her up. After I pick her up, my wife will be staying the weekend with her mother and I will take the kids and stay the night at the Sis' house.

Plans for the 4th are to go up to the FIL's for the celebration. Probably have some fireworks to set off and eat plenty of steak. That's about all that is going on right now.


spoiled princess said...

Way to go I'm so so proud of you I LOVE YOU

Ralphd00d said...

I told you Lit wouldn't be hard.... you just need to do the reading.

stuman said...

Read? No, I still don't do that. I just google the internet to get the break down on the assignment.

Ralphd00d said...

Heh. No since buying Cliffnotes if you have google...