Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The WII is dangerous

In case any of you are wondering, fret about it no further for I have discovered some things recently. The WII is dangerous. Yes, that is correct, it is dangerous, especially for us adults. I was partaking in some adult beverages last night and my 8 year old son wanted me to play WII Sports with him. I fugured, what the heck, everything was a repeat on TV. So we started with Tennis, then Bowling, and finally Baseball. One thing you need to remember, if your kids constantly play games, they will beat you. Don't let the liquor make you think you can win. And don't bet money you don't have. Needless to say, I had enough in me to think I was the greatest athlete in the world. My arm is sore and I owe my son $100. I should sue Nintendo.

1 comment:

Ralphd00d said...

Oh my. It is prolly a good thing I have not been here and seen this post prior to today... but am damn glad I saw it before going to Sis'!!