Friday, January 15, 2010

IRS is open for business

Today, the IRS is now accepting tax returns for processing. I just called H & R Block and I am able to come in today to file. I had mainly called to ask about the 1098 for my college. I told them I want to do my taxes as soon as possible and I only took 2 classes last year, but I am using Tuition Assistance for it through the military. Since they said I am not paying out of pocket, I don't need to wait for it. I have everything else. So I will go and file tonight. Hopefully I will get it back quickly.

With my tax return, I have a few plans. First, I need to pay people I owe money to. Not too many people and not that much to pay. Next, clean my credit up as I am trying to buy a house and need to clean up my credit to pre-qualify. Lastly, I plan on buying my boys a couple of computers for them to play on so they quit destroying mine. I have been looking at WalMart for a laptop and found ones for like $300. It is good enough for them to get on and play games.

School is still going ok. Received a few positive comments from my instructor. I think this has to do with the way I write compared to everyone else in class. It is an English class and I can not believe how many people can not spell correctly or even use spellcheck. On top of that,they can't even make a complete sentence. It is so confusing trying to read something and you can't make heads or tails of it. So, yeah, I agree I am doing pretty good in this class.

Nothing coming up that I am looking forward to right now. Did watch a few movies. WORLD'S GREATEST DAD has Robin Williams in it. Bad movie. Doesn't even fit the title. I got it because of Robin Williams and was disappointed. Watched JENNIFER'S BODY with Megan Fox. It was pretty good. Also watched THE HURT LOCKER. It is about the EOD (Bomb Squad) for the Military. I really liked this movie, but after watching it, I wonder how people not in the movie will portray it like all people in the military are crazy or something. It was a great movie, though. Have a few others at home to watch, which I plan on watching this weekend.

1 comment:

sis said...

I have one for you....Taking Chance with Kevin Bacon. AWESOME movie!