Wednesday, January 6, 2010

All is...well....

Well, I went and picked up a fe movies last night to watch. THE FINAL DESTINATION, CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS, IN BRUGES, and WORLD'S GREATEST DAD. Well, I watched THE FINAL DESTINATION last night. I was not impressed with it at all. The only thing I did like in this movie were the deaths. Overall out of the 4 Final Destination movies, the first one is the best. I'm glad I didn't buy this movie like I had planned on. WORLD'S GREATEST DAD is with Robin Williams and I just got it to see if it was any good. These other three I have until Sunday to watch. IN BRUGES is a movie with Collin Farrell and I was told it was hilarious, but we will see. My buddy just finally got the last season of THE OFFICE. So when he is done watching it, he'll let me borrow it.

I have drill this weekend. All I can say is it will be interesting. It will be interesting for several reasons that I am not about to get into. It is the type of interesting that you kind of want to hold your breath and hope for the best. I am thinking about taking the PT test this weekend. I don't have to, but I figure what the hell0. My sister wants to challenge me at the end of this month on running. I do find it kind of funny how she wants to go by Army standards as far as age, time, and score. However, the way it is set up is to do push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2-mile run. Oh, well, I'll play. If she wins, she wins. All I have at stake is if I win, she'll watch my kids for a weekend. If she wins, she has the satisfaction of knowing she beat me. Again, this is going by age, sex, time, and score.

Other than all of that, I am trying to get everything in order to do my taxes. It seems I have to wait until the end of the month though because some of the places I am waiting on do not send them out until Jan 30. Morons. I want to do my taxes now, not next month. I have my W-2's already for the military and work. I am just waiting on a 1098 from my college and a 1098 from my student loan. Every little bit helps, I guess.


Ralphd00d said...

d00d, you suck. You ruin movies for me, then ya talk about this big event with yer Sis and Mom... about running. You throw it off like it ain't nothing to you, cuz yer doing it based on age and BS. FUCKING LOSER.

You are scared that your MOM and SISTER may make better time than you on a run.... so you say, doesn't matter, we are applying army rules.

So much for the US ARMY to take a small challenge and suck it up and let *1* man run show us up.

Can you do it?

stuman said...

Well, I'm not sure if you understand the whole thing. If it is just by time, yeah, I got it. But because Sis is a 40 yr old female, if she runs it in 22:42, that is a score of 60. I would have to run it in 17:42 or faster just to tie or beat her. Mom has 24:48 for a score of 60. That is why I say it doesn't matter. If you decided to do it as well, you would need to run it in 18:18. You see the big difference in time between M/F now? It is not the time I am worried about, Sis wants to go by the score. Which makes no sense to me because score only matters if you are doing all three events...push-ups, sit-ups, and 2-mile run.