Saturday, May 22, 2010

What began as 4, is now 3

Well, I had 4 dogs and will be down to three today. I am getting rid of our beagle as she is a nuisance. She growls when she is in trouble, overprotective of her food, gets angry at the other dogs if their playing, and I am tired of her getting on my bed in the middle of the night and taking my side of the bed. I took her from my friends because they couldn't handle her when they got a new dog and they became frightened of her as well. They were going to give her to a rescue, but I said I would take it and if I couldn't handle her, I would give her to a good home. Well, one of my Soldiers used to have a beagle until he had to have it put down about a year ago. I told him about the beagle I had and that I wanted to get rid of her. I explained all of her actions and he said it sounds just like the one he had. So I am dropping her off today at his house on my way out to Phoenix today. Dropping the kids off at the mother-in-laws and going to a friend's going away party since he is deploying.

Monday is my last day for my college class and I have a 97% right now. Again the final paper is worth 25% of my grade, which is due tomorrow. It will be a week before I get my final grade. My next class that begins Tuesday already frightens me. I received the book two weeks ago and it is like 2-3 inches thick. I am not that much of a reader, especially for a class that is five weeks long. The class is Literature. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Ralphd00d said...

What book ya gotta read?