Monday, May 17, 2010

The lord shall giveth and taketh away

Well, you see, my favorite breed of dog and one I have always wanted is a pug. Everytime I looked at getting one, it always cost money I didn't have. Friday, my oldest son was out with his friend and they found a pug and brought it home asking if we could keep it because it didn't have a collar. I looked at my wife with a look 'can we, can we?'. Well, of course I told my son we will hold on to it, but if someone is looking for it, we will have to return it. The pug got along well with the other dogs and it seemed she was fitting in. The next day, I was at drill and apparantly my oldest came home from staying the night at his friends and saw a lost dog poster with a picture of it. So while I was at drill, he came home, grabbed the pug and returned it to the owners. They gave him and his friend $50 for returning him. My son kept $30 and his friend got $20. Seemed fair as they both found it, but it stayed at my house. I was happy when they came home with the dog because I thought it was a small reward from God. Then the next day, it was gone.

Oh, well. Drill was long all weekend. We did have a family day and everyone had a good time. Come back to work this morning and I am of course bogged down with everything the Soldiers decide to drop on us over the weekend instead of calling us during the week to take care of something. I didn't even have time to check my school work today. I need this to slow down soon. Well, that's how busy I have been these past few days.


Ralphd00d said...

Army math? They got $50 total, and split it $30 and $30??? Who lost the extra $10?

Sis said...

Tell your son I am proud of him! I have a feeling his Dad would not have done the same. LOL