Friday, October 30, 2009

Tomorrow is candy day

Today is my wife's birthday. She turns 33 today, so make sure you call and wish her Happy Birthday. Tonight we have a birthday party to go to and the kids are excited because they get to wear their costumes. Maybe I can get a picture of all 3 of them and post it here. Tomorrow is candy day, but with my 2nd child and I having recently had 4 teeth pulled each within the past couple of weeks, don't know what we'll be able to eat. I still can't eat chips or anything hard and crunchy. My teeth are still sensitive. So, I have actually dropped 5 lbs since having my teeth pulled last week.

I go in on Monday for a root canal. I am hoping it all goes well or maybe get some more pain killers. Classes are going ok and I just finished my first class on Monday with 100%. This second class isn't going so well as I just took a test yesterday and got an 80%. Oh, well, 4 more weeks to go. Plenty of time to bring up the grades.

Well, that is it for now. Sure has been getting cold lately. At least my electric bill will be lower for the next couple of months.

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