Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Take the good with the bad

Well, last Friday it seemed I was getting nothing but good news. However, no following that comes the not so good. I am just finishing up with my first class in college and have found out that it has not been paid yet and there has been no response to get the next class paid for using the Tuition Assistance through the military. I found out today that as of 08 Oct, the office is closed until further notice due to contractual obligations. As I sit here and think "what contractual obligations", a few things come to mind. First, it is a new fiscal year, maybe they are just getting the budget organized. Second, well the Post 9-11 GI BILL is barely beginning to start getting to people since earlier this year. So I sit here and ponder how I am going to continue with school. I am still waiting for a response from my financial advisor as I do not want to do financial aid since I no longer have the student loan repayment program since I took this civilian job. The only thing I am waiting on is to see if I was approved for the Pell Grant which would pay for the next class and hopefully hold up until the Tuition Assistance starts back up again.

That and my car is acting up again. It is always something. Everytime I get ahead or caught up, something wants to come around and knock me down.

My middle child had 4 teeth pulled yesterday and is doing fine. No complaining at least. I have an appointment on friday for exams and x-rays. I am told I have three appointments at 3 different places. One for extractions (3 wisdom teeth and a molar), one for a root canal, and one for restoration. Well, the Army is paying for it, so I'll be there. After that, I can use my regular dental insurance to cover anything else.

So as you can see, I am a prime example of taking the good with the bad. So the next time something good happens to you, keep an eye out for what is around the corner.

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