Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Parent Teacher Conferences

That is what I have to do today. Both of my sons have their parent teacher conferences this afternoon and my daughter's is tomorrow. I am more worried about my sons as they both had an F on their progress report a few weeks back. We were told they weren't turning in homework. No problems on the classwork or tests, just the homework. So we will get their report cards today and hopefully they will not have any bad grades.

Today is my middle child's birthday and he turns 8 today. We had a birthday party for him this past Saturday and a lot of kids had shown up. I guess overall it went well. Monday I took my oldest to his annual eye exam. His eyesight was a little worse, which the Dr. said it does as they get older. So we had to order new glasses as well. I was ecstatic once I heard the price since I have a new vision plan and was worried on the cost. With the exam and new glasses the total came to $589. The insurance covered $555. So I only paid $34. Yes, it was a good day. Of course I am still skeptical on the dental plan as I haven't used that yet either. Looks like I may need to soon before the year ends though. I am sure the dentist I go to will be wealthy for a while.

Finally reserved the place for my daughter's birthday party next month. I also got the kids their costumes last night for Halloween. The boys want to be Jason from FRIDAY THE 13TH and my daughter has a costume that is half devil half angel. Fits her just right. Other than all that, nothing much planned. Been invited to 2 parties this weekend, but probably will not go as there will be alcohol and I have given that up. Also it is my birthday weekend and I would rather just let it pass by. That's all I have today.


spoiled princess said...

Tell Tommy I said happy bday sry almost forgot things have been crazy LOVE YOU

Reverend Mother said...

Oh NO! I forgot to call Tommy!! I did think about him, but figured during the day he was at school - I almost called at 7am, but didn't. I wish I had now! Daggone it!! I'll call him tomorrow - hopefully - things are in a turmoil at work - I may be changing jobs. Enjoyed our time together last Friday evening. Love you. Mom

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Tommy.

Im wondering, if you are active military, why your insurance doesnt cover everything? different that when I was in back in the middle ages,, LOL

My ex-son in law (amanda's ex) just re-enlisted after ? years of being a civilian. As far as I know, and Marisa is dealing with that now (health problems) the insurance is covering everything. Amanda will crap if she starts getting bills for all the tests they are running on Marisa.

Stuart, I am really proud of you, considering all the problems you had when you were younger.. You have straightened out to be a fine young man. and I wanted you to know I am proud of you.

Thank you for your service to our country.

Love ya,

Uncle Mike