Thursday, July 17, 2008

Another day after the last one

As I sat here and read my past postings, I realized, my life is better now. I don't have the stress of management looking over my shoulders and asking me to do things over my payscale, don't have to deal with stupid and irate customers, and don't have to live off of peanuts for pay. Since quitting that job in December compared to know, I am making 2 1/2 times as much. I am moving from a 2 bedroom apartment into a 4 bedroom house for the same monthly payment. Closer to work, so less to spend on gas. Recent promotion and more pay. And I sit at a desk now. The only difference is I will actually need to work out since I sit behind a desk and not running all over a store for 8 hours a day.

I saw SHUTTER last night. It was ok. Kind of reminded me a little bit of THE GRUDGE. Guess I will have to wait until Tuesday for some more new releases. I think 21 comes out.

Well, I will be moving for the next two weeks and we will see how things go. I am moving further away from my family, but also further away from the in-laws. Not like it is a state away or anything, but far enough away that nobody just "drops" by.

Until next time.

1 comment:

Ralphd00d said...

Like we just 'drop by'...