Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wow, only 500 posts behind

I've noticed when I usually post, my brother is 500 posts ahead of me...exactly. I'm not sure when he started his blog, but I know it was way before I did. He used to post daily, sometimes multiple times a day, but now it is more like every few days. Oh, well. He has a lot people reading his and I do mine just for family. I am not sure if my family knows more through the posts or when I talk to them on the phone. I call my mother at least once a week. My older sister usually once a week. My little sister maybe once or a couple of times a month. My older brother...well, I am afraid to call him sometimes. I have called him at 2pm before to have him answer "What do you want? I'm sleeping" Wow. I tend to talk to him more through e-mail now.

Well, had my car repaired again last week for the umpteenth time. Another $500 down the drain. Hopefully nothing else goes wrong with anything else. I have drill this weekend and another PT test. My older sister officially challenged me a couple of weeks ago to a PT test. Well, actually, she just wanted to challenge me in the 2-mile run, but instead of beating me in time, she wanted to beat me by score. Which a 34 year old male is a lot different than a 40 year old woman. So I insisted if she wants to do it by score rather than time, we should do the complete APFT. Push-ups, Sit-ups, and 2-mile run. As well as Height and Weight and tape if needed. I also told her we should do it during a family get together to give her the satisfaction of humiliating me in public if she beats me. I mean, what do I have to lose? If she wins, good for her. If I win, I can smell a rematch later. As long as I meet my minimums, I am satisfied.

Work has been going ok. I have my Commander, XO, and 1SG coming out this weekend. It will be a long weekend in the office with them as we will be hashing several things out. My middle child's birthday is in 2 weeks and he will be turning 8. We are now entering the birthday season for my family. First is my 2nd child, then mine, then my wife's, and finally my daughter's. My oldest is the oddball in May. The four of us are all between Oct 14-Nov 12. Anyways, that's all for now.


Ralphd00d said...

That was before - the sleeping that late. You know I just don't care to talk on the phone. Nothing like dead air for 3 minutes between statements like " SO, what ya doing?"

Five hundred posts? Catch up!

Reverend Mother said...

Mary and I are in a challenge too - not sure if that means I'm in the one with you two.... we are going to run a 5k. That is the WE is if I get started running. Mary is way ahead of me - she is out running nearly every day. I haven't put on my running shoes yet. sigh.