Monday, January 12, 2009

99th Post

I know, it has been just about a month since my last post. A lot has gone on. My wife ended up in the hospital on 23 December and was just released Friday, 09 January. That is all I need to say about that as family members are all aware. Everyone else, it doesn't matter. However, she is doing fine. I still have not received the call for my job, but recently found out I just started receiving benefits for Food Stamps. I will be doing my taxes in 2 days and will do rapid refund as I am half a month behind on rent and made an agreement with my landlord to pay extra this month and pay for next month at the same time. The only way I will survive at this time is if I get the call real soon.

The kids made out for Christmas. My sister helped us out a lot as well to get through the Holidays. Someone I know through the military knew of our situation and they had a lot of gifts for our kids. So I am glad the Holidays are over now and am looking forward to this year being a better one.

My Vikings lost last week and are out of the running, but amazingly, the Cardinals are in and doing really well. I predict Cardinals and Ravens for Super Bowl. Then I can say it is for the birds. Well, I gotta get going now, have to go to the Dr's office. Till next time on my 100th Post.

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