Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Bad

So I have been neglecting this page a bit. Not like what I write should be of that much importance to people. Everyone should have a life and only a few people know about this page and check on it. This is just a place for me to vent.

So the wife ended up in the hospital last thursday as she went into psychosis again. It was about due as she usually goes about every 2-3 years. My oldest son has been giving me problems as well since the beginning of the school year. He has been refusing to go to school, threatening to run away, harm himself, harm others. He has had the police called on him twice, sent to the hospital twice, and is currently seing a behavioral health doctor to determine if he has mental issues.

This morning, he again refused to attend school and threatened to kill the Principal and Vice Principal. They informed me to take him and get him help or they would call the police. My first instinct was to take him to the hospital and have him admitted. However, I feel at this time, he does not need to be medicated. So I called the crisis line instead and they sent some people over. They agreed that the hospital was not a good idea as it should only be used if he actually attempted to harm himself or others. Instead, they suggested we invest in a in-home behavioral coach. I don't know what I am going to do at this point. I just need to get him to go to school, do his work, and be a kid. Is that too much to ask for?

And to top it all off, i leave for two weeks in about a week and a half. Still trying to figure out what i am going to do about that.

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