Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hello, old friend

It seems I haven't been getting on here as much as I used to. Ever since I joined facebook a few weeks ago, I seem to spend a lot of time on that catching up with old friends and family members that live far away. The only downside to facebook is everyone you add as a friend can view what you say. True, here as well, but only a few people know of this site.

Went and registered the kids for school Thursday night and meet the teacher kind of thing. My oldest will be going to middle school as they changed middle school to 6th-8th grade. He goes earlier than my other two kids, and gets out later. The other actually will be riding a bus. Yeah, no more wasting gas.

Just finished my last class of Business Ethics and received another A. I am already in my next class, Introduction to Film. Only 14 more classes to go get my degree.

Have drill this upcoming weekend, so another 12 day work week. Been watching a few movies, but nothing to really write about. Until next time.

1 comment:

Reverend Mother said...

Congratulations on the 'A' I'm proud of you Love you