Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And the school season starts...

Well, all three of my kids started school yesterday. It seems the only one to have a good first day was the middle child, who just started 3rd grade. The oldest, 6th grade, apparently has an a$$hole for a social studies teacher. I briefly heard him talking to other parents last week when we went to the school to take the kids through their rounds. I figured he would be a problem. If he goes off on my son for anything other than school work, I will take this matter to the school and then the district. He seems to a verbally abusive person. My daughter didn't have a good day as she started kindergarten. Apparently the teacher wrote something and wanted her to read it, which she is not able to read just yet except for a few words.

I'm still doing well after finishing week one of my Introduction to Film class. My graduation date just updated again and I am slotted to graduate in December 2011. Other than all that, still working, still living, still surviving.

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