Monday, May 18, 2009

Still nothing yet

Still have not heard about the job, but I am still hopeful. I see two payments getting ready to drop. This makes me happy because it is enough to cover the negative balance and pay my sister back. The only downside is I will be paying her back on Memorial Day, May 25 and the second payment drops the 27th. So I'll just have to write her a check for the remainder. Anyways, I went to my friend's wedding Saturday, which I was the best man. I brought my camera to take pictures and then handed it to another friend to take pictures during the wedding. It was done at a house, not a church, so it was kind of crowded. But, I will post what picture I have of me in my tux. I wish I had a better one, or me by myself, but oh, well. Maybe my friend can get me some pictures from the photographer that was there.
Well, I still have to figure out how to pst the pictures, but at least they showed up. Anyways, wasn't very good pictures, but if I get better ones, I shall post them. Doing a slumber party for my oldest son's 10th birthday this friday night. I am hoping not too many kids show up. Only 2 RSVP'd so far. Friday is the last day of school for them. And it will be Memorial Day weekend, so maybe I'll be lucky and a lot of the kids will be going on vacation.

1 comment:

Ralphd00d said...

d00d, you look so chunky in those pics. I know you ain't that buff. I guess the camera does add like 20 pouinds on you.