Friday, August 10, 2007


Like I am having a few beers now. I see I haven't posted in awhile, but who actually reads this? This is more like an open journal/diary for anyone to read. My life sucks. I had to borrow money from my father-in-law to catch up on bills because, well, I'll leave that out....but it is very disappointing. Anyways, my life is going to work, coming home, drinking beers, and repeat. Tomorrow, I have to pick a buddy up who is 2 hours away. He will stay with me for a few days and he has PTSD from Iraq. Then on Tuesday, I will take him home after I take him to my unit to fill out paperwork to get discharged. That is my life in a nutshell.

1 comment:

Ralphd00d said...

You make it sound boring. Don't you do anything with your kids?