Friday, July 27, 2007

Sometimes, life sucks

As it says. Well, as I mentioned, I live payday to payday pretty much. Today, after I was paid, and paid bills and was broke, my wife blows a tire on her vehicle. Well, not really blown, but the tread came off the tire. Needless to say, I have no money to repair it, so I am frantically trying to make ends meet. We'll see. I may have to borrow money from the father-in-law to help us catch up on bills due to my work screwing me on my paychecks over the last month. It will be bliss when this is all done and taken care of.

Today in Phoenx, two news choppers were covering a chase through Phoenix streets. One helicopter lost navigation and clipped the other chopper. Both choppers went down. All 4 died. For all those in the Phoenix area, it was newschopper 15 (ABC) and newschopper 3 (a local station). God bless them and their families.

I will be heading to Germany for 2 weeks in December, might get a guest blogger?? I have AT. For those of you that don't know, I am in the Army know, one weekend a month and 2 weeks a year. I have been deployed twice. Once to Afghanistan and once to Iraq. Enough said. I will not be talking too much on military on this blog unless it has some funny stuff in it. No names of exact places or anything.

Enough said for now.

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