Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Yes, I am still alive

This has been the worst month this year (October). As my wife was in and out of the hospital from 30 Sep up until last Friday. She is doing better since she has been out. Took the oldest to the psychiatrist and we are still waiting on a FINAL DIAGNOSIS, but it is believed that he has Autism, maybe even Aspergers. He is currently on medication which actually has helped his behavior quite a bit.

This Thanksgiving, we will be going up North to the FIL's as we normally do from time to time. Looking forward to getting out of town and hopefully relaxing a bit. My math class will end next Monday, but don't think I will finish as well as all my other classes. I have 4 assignments I am behind on since I haven't had time to do them with everything going on this past month. He is giving me until Monday night to turn them in with no deductions and they are only about 1-2 pages each, so it is not that overwhelming, but still.

Medical bills over these last couple of months have me overwhelmed. We applied for SSI for my wife and was denied. They say I make $400 too much per month, but they go by gross income and do not include bills. Still waiting on a determination from ahccs. My personal medical sucks as it is a $3000 deductible. I am in the process of trying to change it right now to benefit us later. The medication and doctor visits alone cost me over $1000 a month for both the wife and the oldest. I just need to win the lottery.

Next month, I head off to Italy for two weeks. It is a much needed vacation even though it is still a work trip. Don't know what we are doing for New Years yet, but I am debating on heading out of town just to get away and not be around a bunch of drunk and crazy people. Just don't know what I am going to do over the next couple of months, but hopefully, everything will work out.

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